7 Heart Healthy Foods


Cardiovascular diseases have reached epidemic proportions in India.  It was reported that in 2010, out of a total of 1.89 million annual deaths, 0.59 million (31%) occurred at age <60 years and 1.09 million (58%) at age <70 years.

Hence, it is extremely important to keep our hearts healthy.   Consuming high amount of carbs and fats not only affects our heart, but also impacts our waistline.  Eating heart healthy foods definitely reduces the risk of heart diseases. Also, eating well cooked, unprocessed foods are the key to have a healthy heart.

Below are some heart healthy foods:

Fish:  Fish has a high amount of omega 3 fatty acids, which helps in fighting cardiovascular diseases. Opt for sea foods such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and trout.

Leafy vegetables: Green veggies like spinach, broccoli and asparagus is jam packed with vitamins. Spinach contains Vitamin K, while broccoli and asparagus are filled with vitamins C and E, potassium, folate, calcium and fiber. So, chuck the lays and deep fried wadas for breakfast, instead o for a healthy spinach sandwich.

ats: Another healthy breakfast option, oats are a powerhouse of nutrients. Have them with milk, or with yoghurt, or try the spicy oats upma. You can sprinkle them with salads as well.

Soy: Soy is not only a rich source of protein, but heart- healthy as well. Replace regular milk with soy milk for a fat free choice. Add soya nuggets in your pulav, or make soy pakodas in olive oil.

Even better, replace paneer with tofu.  Add a bowl of marinated tofu in a stir fry and fresh veggies for a healthy lunch or dinner

Legumes: Pulses like lentils, or dried beans such as kidney beans, or black beans are protein heavy foodstuffs. Not only that, they are high in fiber, Vitamin B, minerals. Rajmachawal or moongusal, anyone?

Fruits: Red and yellow fruits such as oranges and papayas are rich in beta- carotene, potassium, magnesium and fiber. So, next time, do not forget to add these vegetables in your fruit salad. Or, have a glass of orange juice in your breakfast.

Whole Grains: Replace all refined grains in your kitchen with whole grains like whole wheat, brown rice, oats, rye, barley, buckwheat and quinoa.

Whole grains are high in fiber, which may help reduce “bad” cholesterol. Studies suggest that eating whole grains is associated with lower cholesterol and systolic blood pressure. This lowers the risk of heart disease.

To keep a fit mind and healthy body, you can always consult the young and dynamic clinical nutritionist Mrs Siddhi Takalkar. One of the best diet consultants in Pune, Nutriworks brings a phenomenal lifestyle change in people by solving weight management issues.  Nutriworks also caters to solving weight management issues or various disease issues through customized diet plan.
